Changeling: The Lost

 Changeling: The Lost is a tabletop roleplay game (TTRPG) that focuses on grieving, coming into one's identity, and rising from the ashes. Above all else, it emphasizes metamorphosis.

Changeling: The Lost (or CtL) is a property of White Wolf Entertainment AB, Onyx Path Publishing, and Paradox AB, within the 'World of Darkness' setting. In CtL, players take on the role of a changeling, once-humans taken by powerful entities known as the Fae, into an ethereal realm known as Arcadia. From that point on, all that matters is survival. 

Terms to Know:

Arcadia: The domain of the gentry; where all humans that eventually become changelings are taken.

Beast: A type of Seeming. These changelings are animalistic, bestial, and savage. They rely on their animal instincts, and focus on survival.

Bedlam: An restrained release of emotion inflicted upon others by changelings; unleashing bedlam can be voluntary or involuntary

Changeling: The titular species of the game; changelings are once-humans that were taken to Arcadia and transformed by their experiences there. 

Clarity: How a changeling may measure their own perceptions and experiences; how mentally 'in-tune' a changeling is. 

Contract: A magical pact between fae creatures and the Wyrd, allowing fae-creatures to call on mystical and supernatural powers

Court: A group bound by loyalty, mutual aid, and promises of protection. Courts typically make up freeholds. 

Darkling: A type of seeming that focused solely on quiet survival. These changelings were often forced to do whatever they could to survive, even at the cost of their own morality.

Durance: The ordeal or experience every changeling goes through under the captivity of the True Fae, which transforms them into their present state. 

Elemental: A type of seeming with a heavy focus on autonomy. These changelings were literal in the element in their durance, and often used as tools or forces of nature. 

Fae: The immortal entities that inhabit Arcadia, abducting mortals and transforming them to Fae (also known as Gentry)

Fairest: A type of seeming, the Fairest are almost always awe-inspiring and beautiful. They are typically taken for their astounding skills, grace, or beauty. 

Fetch: That which is left behind when a human is taken to Arcadia. Fetch' are meant to be the perfect copy of the abducted mortal, as well as to fully replace their lives. 

Frailty: Supernatural flaws or restraints experienced by fae-creatures typically of high wyrd. 

Freehold: A loyal society of changelings and other fae-creatures. Freeholds offer protection, resources, and safety. They are usually divided into court systems. 

Glamour: Pure raw energy or emotion that feeds fae-creatures. It is typically tied to strong emotions from mortals. 

Goblin: A generalized term for fae-creatures that typically applies to hobgoblins and unaffiliated changelings. Typically, these are creatures of the Hedge as well. 

Goblin Market: The black market of the fae, where one can buy the most intriguing of goods and services. 

Hedge: The mystical and weird 'in between' that separates Arcadia from the mortal realm

Hedge Beast: A creature that a changeling may summon to rely on for varying uses. 

Hollow: A safe haven that a changeling may use to protect themself, or others. 

Keeper: The gentry responsible for keeping changelings in Arcadia.

Kith: Refined, particular 

Mask: The illusion that hides fae presence from most mortal eyes. 

Merit: Special abilities, skills, or traits that each changeling possesses

Mien: The 'true form' of the fae-creatures. The mien is unseen by most mortal eyes. 

Monarch: The leader of a court. 

Needle: The core identity of  changeling, that of which the changeling presents to the world.

Ogre: A type of seeming, Ogres are the perfect soldier, and often taken for their physical prowess or strength. 

Regalia: Categories of contracts of which changelings can have an affinity for. 

Seeming: The physical aspect of a changeling, which reflects their role or task in Arcadia. 

Thread: The drive of a changeling; that which fuels their purpose and inner strength

Wizened: A type of seeming, Wizened were tasked with perfection, and nothing less was expected from them. 

Wyrd: The cosmic and supernatural true power of the Faerie. 

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